

The Duarte (Duarte-French; Duarte-Amézquita and Duarte-Cremaschi) Family in Colombia has a long history as intellectuals and lawyers. Alberto Duarte-French (1918-1983) was not only a brilliant lawyer but a recognized law professor, journalist, writer, politician, and an economist specialized in International Trade. Alberto Duarte French also had a PHD in Philosophy & Literature, and inspired and materialized the founding of one of Colombia´s most reputable universities: “Universidad Industrial de Santander”. His brother, Jaime Duarte-French (1920-2003), also a lawyer, is known to be one of the most prominent history writers of Colombia. Antonio Duarte-Amézquita (1954), lawyer and Economist, has been practicing law for over 37 years, 30 with the international law firm Baker & McKenzie, from where he retired after being 20 years an international partner/principal. Antonio Duarte-Amézquita’s practice has covered a number of important areas, which include mergers & acquisitions, antitrust, corporate restructuring, energy, oil & mining, commercial contracts (franchise and distribution agreements, bidding and contracting with private and government parties), corporate governance & compliance, and e-commerce. Antonio Duarte-Amézquita is now committed to the endeavor of assisting his son in consolidating the “Duarte Cremaschi” law firm in Colombia. Antonio Duarte-Cremaschi (1983) obtained his lawyers degree (2009) at the University of la Sabana, Colombia, where he also had further studies in economic and public affairs law. He subsequently obtained with merit an LLM in International Commercial Law (2011) at the University of Westminster in London. Antonio Duarte-Cremaschi has already several years of practice as a young and prominent lawyer in several of the areas of practice of the Firm, and is the head and managing partner of the Firm.